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Patent System in Japan The latest information on intellectual property in Japan has been updated.
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December 28, 2021

The JPO has Updated information on remedies based on "reasons of force majeure" and "good cause" when prescribed procedures are affected by COVID-19.
Details are as follows ...



office recuruit 01We currently represent the world’s leading companies in various technology fields including electronics, mechanics, physics, information technology, chemistry, biotechnology, etc. for filling application of patent, trademark and design registration and also provide consultation on corporate intellectual property matters.

Our firm was founded in 1977 in Osaka to support companies large to small in western Japan, mainly in so-called Kansai region (Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, Nara, Wakayama and Shiga), in dealing with procedures of domestic patents and trademarks.

Since our foundation, we have been actively engaged in representing many domestic clients before the Japan Patent Office and working with competent and experienced foreign firms to help domestic clients obtain strong intellectual property rights including patents and trademarks in foreign countries. We also have represented foreign clients before the Japan Patent Office for filling applications of patents, trademarks and design registrations and support them in obtaining strong intellectual property rights and exercising their intellectual property rights. We have expanded our activities in many regions in the world and have made efforts in engaging in global intellectual property business.



From Osaka International (Itami) Airport
  1. Walk to the Osaka Airport station of the Osaka Monorail.
  2. Take the Osaka Monorail bound for the Kadoma-shi station.
  3. Get off at the Hotarugaike station and take the Hankyu Takarazuka Line to the Umeda station.
  4. Get off at the Umeda station and walk south for about 15 minutes.
From Kansai International Airport
  1. Take an airport limousine bus for Herbis Osaka.
  2. Get off at the last stop, Herbis Osaka.
  3. Walk south east for about 10 minutes.
From Shin-Osaka Station (Shinkansen)
  1. Take the JR Kyoto Line for Osaka.
  2. Get off at the Osaka.
  3. Walk south for about 10 minutes.

  • Keihan Nakanoshima line Oebashi Station
    - Leave the station by exit 2. It takes 2 minutes on foot from the station.
  • Osaka City Subway Midosuji Line (M18) / Keihan Line Yodoyabashi Station
    - Leave the station by exit 7. It takes 5 minutes on foot from the station.
  • JR Tozai Line kitashinchi Station
    - Leave the station by exit 11-21,11-23. It takes 5 minutes on foot from the station.

Patent Professional Corporation, MAEDA & PARTNERS 

Established in 1977.

Renamed as a “Patent Professional Corporation, MAEDA & PARTNERS” in January 2012 upon incorporation as a patent professional corporation.

法人名称 专利律师法人前田专利事务所
成立时间 1977年
(2012年1月 专利业务法人化而改名为专利业务法人前田专利事务所)
(2022年8月 根据《专利律师法》的修订更名为“专利律师法人前田专利事务所”)
代表 专利代理人 前田 亮 (专利代理人注册第14340号)
  • 向日本国内及国外的发明、实用新型、外观设计、商标申请业务
  • 异议
  • 复审与无效
  • 鉴定
  • 诉讼
  • 各种调查
  • 许可合同及海关查处
  • 与反不正当竞争法、集成电路布图设计法、著作权法等
  • 有关的知识产权代理业务    
1977(昭和52)年 于大阪市北区设成立前田专利事务所
2001(平成13)年 于广岛市东区成立前田专利事务所广岛办事处
2003(平成15)年 前田专利事务所迁移到大阪市中央区大阪丸红大楼
2012(平成23)年 专利业务法人化而分别改名为专利业务法人前田专利事务所和广岛分所
2014(平成26)年 于东京都港区六本木成立“前田专利事务所东京分所”
2015年(平成27年) 东京事务所 迁移到东京都港区新桥 “新桥六丁目大楼”
大阪事务所 迁移到大阪市北区堂岛浜 “新DAIBIRU大楼”
2018(平成30)年 广岛办事处迁至广岛市南区的场町“绿塔”
2021(令和3)年 东京办事处迁至东京都港区虎之门“新虎之门实业会馆”
2022(令和4)年 根据《专利律师法》的修订更名为“专利律师法人前田专利事务所”

[ 大阪事务所 ]
〒530-0004  大阪市北区堂岛浜1丁目2番1号 新DAIBIRU大楼23层

[ 东京事务所 ]
〒105-0001  东京都港区虎之门1丁目1番21号 新虎之门实业会馆5楼

[ 广岛事务所 ]
〒732-0824 广岛市南区的场町1丁目2番16号 绿塔4楼

TEL +81-6-4796-9955
FAX +81-6-4796-9988