2022.5.23. / Japan Patent Office notified of new standards for nucleotide and amino acid sequence preparation

On April 28, 2022, the JPO published a notice of application containing nucleotide or amino acid sequences.
Applications containing nucleotide or amino acid sequences in the specification, etc., are now required to submit a sequence table in accordance with WIPO standard ST.25.
Currently, applications containing nucleotide or amino acid sequences in the specification, etc., require submission of a sequence table in accordance with WIPO Standard ST.25. However, due to the revision of the PCT Administrative Instructions (scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2022), international applications (including applications with priority claims) filed on or after July 1, 2022 will be required to submit a sequence table in accordance with the newly formulated WIPO Standard ST.26 when nucleotide or amino acid sequence is included in the specification, submission of a sequence table in accordance with the newly formulated WIPO standard ST.26 is required.

Since it is internationally agreed that the transition to WIPO standard ST.26 should be made simultaneously not only for international applications but also for national applications, national applications filed on or after July 1, 2022 are also required to submit a sequence table in accordance with WIPO standard ST.26 in the same manner.
For international applications whose international filing date is before July 1, 2022, and which enter the national phase on or after July 1, 2022, submission of a sequence table in accordance with WIPO standard ST.25 is still required as before.
Japan Patent Office

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