Patent System in Japan

The "JPO Status Report" aims to promptly convey the JPO's statistical information and results of its policies to the public. The report provides descriptions in Japanese and English together so as to serve as a tool in conveying information to other countries. The report is accessible on this web page.

The JPO publishes easy-to-understand information on the JPO's features for foreign companies and foreign agents on the JPO website.

On July 1, 2024, the JPO announced that it will revise the search fees for international searches conducted by international search organizations other than the JPO.
Those who pay this fee after August of this year should pay attention to the amount of the fee and the applicable relationship.
Details are as follows.

On July 1, 2024, the Kinki Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI-Kansai) launched the “Minnano Kansai Chizai-ba” IP portal site for companies and industrial support organizations in the Kinki region.
"Minnano Kansai Chizai-ba" is a portal site that consolidates the latest information on intellectual property, including basic knowledge and support measures.

On July 9, 2024, the Agency for Cultural Affairs released the “Copyright Textbook for 2024.

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