2022.4.20. / Japan Patent Office Announcement of Relocation and Establishment of New INPIT Intellectual Property Support Desk

On March 28, 2022, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) announced the relocation and establishment of a new IP General Support Desk at the National Institute of Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT).
After April 1, "Intellectual Property Support Offices" will be relocated or newly established in the following target prefectures.
For details, please refer to the URL below.

Target Prefectures
Tohoku area: Miyagi prefecture
Chubu area : Gifu and Mie prefectures
Kinki Region : Kyoto, Osaka and Wakayama Prefectures
Chugoku : Yamaguchi prefecture
Shikoku : Kagawa and Ehime Prefectures

Japan Patent Office


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