2022.4.20. / "Tsu Gyoza" Obtained Trademark.

The Tsu Local Education Committee, a non-profit organization in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture, announced that "Tsu Gyoza," which has been working to increase its popularity as a local gourmet, has been registered as a regional collective trademark.
The aim is to protect the brand by registering the trademark, as inferior products of the same product have been sold.

Tsu Gyoza" is a local delicacy that originated as a school lunch menu in the former Tsu City around 1985.
It is currently on the menu once a semester at elementary and junior high schools throughout Tsu City, as well as at 29 ramen stores and izakayas (Japanese-style pubs) in the city, and at four cooperating restaurants in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture, and Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture, with whom we have close relationships.

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