2022.8.22. / Patent information platform J-Plat Pat service suspended for maintenance

On August 12, 2022, the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT) publicly announced that it would temporarily suspend service of its patent information platform, J-Plat Pat, due to maintenance.
The service suspension period and details are as follows.

All services suspended; 
August 27, 2022 (Earth) 09:00 ~ August 28, 2022 (Sun) 21:00
September 22, 2022 (Wood) 19:00 ~ September 26, 2022 (Moon) 09:00

Suspension of patent/utility model search function and OPD service;
September 16, 2022 (Gold) 21:00 ~ September 20, 2022 (Fire) 09:00

The National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training


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