2022.10.18. / Japan Patent Office holds "Connecting Patent Offices" to connect with local communities in Sapporo, Osaka, Hiroshima, etc.

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) has been touring the country holding the "Connecting Japan Patent Office" event, in which it visits various regions of Japan and disseminates the intellectual property initiatives of each region to the rest of the country.
Starting next month in November, the event is scheduled to be held in Sapporo, Osaka, and Hiroshima City.
At the event site, seminars will be held to introduce advanced IP initiatives, and a "consultation corner" on IP and management will be set up.

Registration is required to attend each session, details at the URL below.

The schedule is as follows
November 9, 2022 Sapporo City
November 14, 2022 Osaka City
December 16, 2022 Hiroshima City

Connected Patent Office


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