Information Archives

Our office will be closed for the Summer holiday from August 10 to 18.


The latest information on intellectual property in Japan has been updated.   

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Dear Colleagues:

It is with great sadness to announce that Hiroshi Maeda, the founder and the chairperson of our firm, passed away on February 1, 2024. 

Mr. Maeda will be sorely missed by all of his friends and colleagues at the firm. 
Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with Hiroshi’s wife and his family.



弊所会長 弁理士 前田弘が 2月1日 永眠いたしました
ここに生前故人に賜りましたご厚誼に 御礼申し上げますとともに
葬儀におきましては 故人の遺志に従いまして誠に勝手ながら
なお 御香典 御供物 弔問等につきましてもお心のみ頂戴いたしたく

所長 前田亮


April 14, 2023, In light of the changes in the status of COVID-19 under the Infectious Disease Control Law and other factors, JPO has decided to terminate the handling provisionally stipulated for cases affected by COVID-19 and return to the operation of the conventional relief measures.
This conventional remedy requirement applies to proceedings in which the last day of the procedural period (the statutory or designated period (before the extension of the period) is on or after May 9, 2023 (Tuesday).

Japan Patent Office

December 28, 2021
The JPO has Updated information on remedies based on "reasons of force majeure" and "good cause" when prescribed procedures are affected by COVID-19.

Details are as follows

Japan Patent Office 

July 10, 2020
In response to the Japanese government's declaration of a state of emergency, we are adjusting our operations accordingly.

At this point, we are currently moving most of our patent attorneys and staff in our main Osaka office to remote telework.
Our Tokyo office has already been transitioned to telework, whereas our Hiroshima office is doing business as usual.

Overall, we can continue to meet the needs of our clients without interruption.
Each of us can be reached by email though some at home may not be reached by phone.

We would appreciate your understanding and will remain focused on our clients to maintain our standards for prompt, high quality services during this difficult time.

Japan Patent Office

Our telephones, facsimiles, file transfer system, and email system will be down from Jan 21, 2023 (Sat.), 9:00 a.m. to Jan 22, 2023 (Sun.), 3:00 p.m. (Japan time) due to power safety inspection.