2020.2.3. / Intellectual Property High Court bans the use of "Maricar" marks and characters

Nintendo knows that Nintendo is engaged in unfair competition against companies in Tokyo that lent character costumes of popular game character " Mario Kart '' and small carts with a mark written as " Mario Kart '' On January 29, the Intellectual Property High Court granted Nintendo's lawsuit in a trial appealing to the National Property High Court, prohibiting the use of marks and characters and ordering defendants to pay 50 million yen.

Mario Kart, like Nintendo's Pocket Monsters, is very popular overseas, and the style of wearing Mario Kart's character costumes and running on public roads with 'Malicar' has been gaining popularity among foreign tourists. The Nintendo side complained of violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and copyright infringement for using them for advertising and sales without permission.


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