2023.5.23. / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry releases preliminary report on the survey of university-launched ventures in FY2022.

On May 16, 2023, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) released a preliminary report on the results of its FY202 survey on university-launched ventures.
As of October 2022, the number of university-launched ventures was 3,782.
This is an increase of 477 firms from the 3,305 firms in FY2021, a record number of firms in both number of firms and increase in number of firms.

Top 10 Ventures by University

1. University of Tokyo 371 cases
2. Kyoto University 267
3. Keio University 236
4. University of Tsukuba 217
5. Osaka University 191
6. Tohoku University 179 cases
7. Institute of Science Tokyo 151 cases
8. Nagoya University 137
9. Waseda University 128
10. Tokyo Institute of Technology 119

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

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