Patent System in Japan

The Ministry of Finance made public the status of the injunction of intellectual property infringing goods in 2018 customs.

According to this, the number of import injunctions reached 26,005, exceeding 25,000 for 7 consecutive years, and the number of import injunctions for intellectual property infringing goods reached 929,675 (83.5% compared to the previous year), 5 It was the best in the year.



From April 1, 2019, Japan Patent Office has accepted Japanese PCT applications for applications filed with the Japan Patent Office as the main body in charge of international search, as a subject of PCT collaborative search.

This makes it possible to use the PCT collaborative search with a search fee that is less expensive than English language applications. In addition, it is necessary to submit an English translation (non-disclosure) one month after the provisional acceptance of the application.


From April 1, 2019, the JPO will accept PCT applications in Japanese as a subject of PCT collaborative searches for applications where the Japan Patent Office is the main international search organization.


The Ministry of Finance has released the status of injunction of intellectual property infringing goods in customs in 2018.
According to this, the number of import injunctions amounted to 26,005, exceeding 25,000 for the seventh consecutive year, and at the same time the number of import injunctions for intellectual property infringing goods reached 929,675 (83.5% compared to the previous year). It became the highest in the year.


From April 1, 2019 (the date of enforcement), a new examination request fee, patent fee (for 1 to 10 years), and a reduction and exemption system for fees related to international applications will begin.
The outline of the new exemption system is as follows.


■ Expansion of people eligible for tax reduction
Small and medium-sized enterprises (for example, less than 300 employees or less than 300 million yen in the case of manufacturing) will be eligible for reduction. However, for small enterprises (20 employees or less) who are covered under the current system, the examination request fee etc. will be reduced to 1/3, but SMEs newly added to the target under the new system For this, the examination request fee etc. will be reduced to 1/2.



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