2022.6.16. / Intellectual Property Promotion Plan 2022 decided

On June 3, 2022, the Japanese government decided on the Intellectual Property Promotion Plan 2022.
A summary is as follows.

1. strengthen IP systems for startups and universities
2. strengthen mechanisms to promote investment and utilization of IP and intangible assets
3. promote strategic use of standards
4. development of data distribution and utilization environment for the realization of a digital society
5. content strategy for the digital age
6. strengthening utilization of intellectual property in small and medium-sized enterprises, local regions, and agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors
7. strengthening of systems, operations, and human resource infrastructure to support IP utilization
8. rebooting Cool Japan a view to after the new coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic is under control.

Prime Minister's Office
Intellectual Property Promotion Plan 2022


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