Patent System in Japan

On August 4, 2022, the JPO published a summary report on the 63rd General Conference of WIPO Member States held at WIPO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, from July 14-22, 2022.
The contents of the General Assembly are summarized below.

The JPO has issued a warning that the ST.26 format sequence table created using WIPO Sequence 2.1.0 may be missing the required field "Feature Table".
The JPO recommends the use of the latest version of WIPO Sequence 2.1.2, as this issue is resolved in the latest version.

On June 23, 2022, the JPO published a new Green Transformation Technologies Inventory.
The GXTI provides categorization of GX technologies and a search method for patent literature applicable to categorized GX technologies.
It was created to help companies and others explain evidence-based climate change-related information.

On July 1, 2022, the JPO announced that search fees will be revised for international searches conducted by international search organizations other than the JPO starting next month.
This revision is due to adjustments resulting from the recent and ongoing depreciation of the yen, which has resulted in a larger price increase.

On June 30, 2022, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) published "The State of the Intellectual Property System for the Promotion of Intellectual Property Utilization - Summary.
From April 2022, the JPO has established a JPO Policy Promotion Roundtable consisting of experts to study ways to improve the system, focusing on issues related to intellectual property legislation, and the report is a summary of those discussions.

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