Patent System in Japan

On February 2, 2024, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) announced that it will launch a patent application non-disclosure system on May 1, 2024.
f a patent application contains an invention that is likely to endanger the security of the nation and its people by making the specification, etc. of the application public, the JPO will withhold patent procedures such as application publication, patent examiner's decision, and decision of refusal by designating a preservation designation after a preservation examination.

On January 31, 2024, the Japan Patent Office(JPO) announced that there will be a partial limit to the number of cases for the reduction and exemption of patent application examination fees for small and medium-sized businesses.
This will apply to applications for which examination is requested on or after April 1, 2024.

On January 10, 2024, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) announced a special measure for those who were affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake of 2024 and were unable to complete procedures within the prescribed period.
A dedicated consultation service has been set up within the JPO to provide assistance.

The Japan Patent Office (JPO) conducted an online trademark training program on January 31, 2024 for members of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Government of Indonesia (DGIP), together with support from both JICA and JETRO Singapore.

In the Design Examination Guidelines, the JPO revised "Part III, Chapter III: Exceptions to Loss of Novelty" and "Part IV, Chapter I: Designs Containing Figures" from the viewpoint of clarification.

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