Patent System in Japan

On November 21, 2023, the JPO announced recent trends in business-related inventions made possible by information and communication technology.
The number of patent applications for business-related inventions has been on the rise for the past decade, reaching 13,032 in FY2021.

On November 17, 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) announced the establishment of a consultation service for information on suspected counterfeit Japanese agricultural, forestry, and fishery products and foods in Bangkok, Thailand.
The purpose is to prevent damage caused by counterfeit products and trademark infringement of agricultural, forestry, marine and food products.

On December 4, 2023, the Japan Naming Association announced its fourth annual naming awards for 2023, and "Hatsune Miku" won the grand prize.
The Legend Award went to "Tiger Thermos", "Seishun 18 Kippu", "Chikyu no Arukikata", "Chiikama", and "Gohan Desuyo!” were selected as the winners.

On October 5, 2023, JPO has been conducting the I-OPEN PROJECT since 2021 with the aim of supporting startups, non-profit corporations and individuals working to solve social challenges in making use of intellectual property.

On October 2, 2023, Aiming to ascertain IP users’ opinions and reflect them in its quality management initiatives, the Japan Patent Office has been conducting User Satisfaction Surveys on Examination Quality every fiscal year.

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