Patent System in Japan

The JPO will begin providing patent information on a trial basis using an API from January 2022, with the aim of promoting the use of patent information held by the JPO.

As of October 1, 2021, In patent invalidation trials, etc., it is now possible for the applicant to appear online for an oral hearing using a web conference system.

On September 28, 2021, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) announced that it has begun distributing instructional videos on "IP landscape (IPL)," a method of using patents and other intellectual property for corporate management strategies.
The videos are free and provide a basic introduction to IP landscapes.

On October 1, 2021, the University of Tokyo announced plans to establish a 100 billion yen fund to improve its international competitiveness.
The fund will be managed by utilizing profits from the sale of shares in venture companies in which the University of Tokyo has invested, as well as intellectual property rights generated from research at the University of Tokyo.

In recent years, game publishers have started to lift the ban on "live game players," one of the most popular professions among junior high and high school students.

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