Patent System in Japan

On May 12, 2021, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) published a collection of examples of IPAS achievements on its IP community portal site, IP BASE.
Since its inception in 2018, the program has supported the establishment of IP strategies for 40 companies to date.

On April 1, 2021, the JPO has established a means of telephone communication to enable applicants to communicate smoothly with the examiner in charge who works from home.

On April 1, 2021, the JPO signed a memorandum of understanding with the General Department of Market Management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (General Department of Market Management of Vietnam) on cooperation in the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

The JPO has published "Cartoon Examination Standards - AI/IoT Edition", a cartoon depicting the basic concept of patent examination standards, using AI and IOT related technologies, which are of high social interest, as the subject matter.

On April 14, 2021, the JPO updated its Q&A regarding the Geneva Amendment to the Hague Agreement.
Details are as follows.

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